Please contact the Religious Educator, JW Wenzel, at for more information on how to join us. We offer a variety of ways for children and youth to connect with each other, with adult congregants, and with UU material.

Religious Exploration Class -- We meet Sundays. All families start together in the Sanctuary at 10:30am. After the Story there will be an active transition where they move out to class. Children and Youth are welcome to stay in the service if they wish. Once in class, we share in lighting the chalice and sharing Joys & Sorrows, and then begin our regular program. Children participating in RE classes need to be registered. Children will be "released" at approximately 11:30.
Youth Fellowship -- These gatherings are for youth in Middle School and High school. We will be be using the Popcorn Theology curriculum. This curriculum uses movies rated PG or PG-13 to explore theological and ethical issues with middle school or high school age youth. Each session will include watching together followed by discussion questions and activities to enhance the learning experience.
We meet second Sunday every other month. *Please see calendar for dates.
Family Fellowship -- Regular gatherings to connect as families. We meet to share our time together to reconnect and have some fun; we invite anyone who wishes to join. Please make sure your registration is current to receive updates. We meet second Sunday every other month. *Please see calendar for dates.
RE Volunteers -- Opportunity to participate with our children and youth. We are always looking for volunteers to act as extra adults as well as bring their perspective to the RE world. To become an RE Volunteer, please visit the RE Children’s and Youth Programing Volunteer Interest Form.