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Rev. Joe Rettenmaier


Contact the Minister

Please note my Evergreen ministry is half-time so my response times to e-messages may take longer than usual.
My online/office hours are 9am to 3pm Wednesday through Sunday. I'm also available for evening meetings after 8 pm on those days, and am always available 24/7 for pastoral emergencies. May you be well as can be today, with faith.

About Rev. Joe

I am Rev. Joe Rettenmaier and I’m honored to be serving as Evergreen's new minister as of August 1st, 2022.

I was born and raised in Kansas. After graduating from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, I moved to Seattle in 1988 and began working in corporate communications. For the next 25 years, video would be my primary storytelling tool as I served design firms, community non-profits, tribal organizations, and high-tech corporations in our Salish Sea. I discovered Unitarian Universalism in 2009 and found fertile soil for developing beloved community, and decided to redirect my vocation to fulfill my growing call to UU ministry. In 2019, I received a Master of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School; I’m currently in Preliminary Fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association. (Continue reading here.)

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