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Frequently Asked Questions

What time does the Sunday Service begin?

Services begin at 10:30am on Sundays. Services are approximately one hour and are followed by a coffee and social time open to everyone.


What is a typical Sunday church service like?

Our Sunday services follows a familiar worship pattern: hymns, light our Chalice, Story for All Ages, a message or sermon, readings and music. Each Sunday the Children join the adults for about twenty minutes before going to their classes. 


What should I expect when I visit?

Come about ten minutes early, about 10:20am and greeters will be happy to answer questions about Evergreen UU Fellowship. If you are attending with children, the Director of Religious Exploration will show you the classrooms. If you choose to include an email address on the Guest Book, you will receive weekly emails and the monthly newsletter.


What do children learn and study in Religious Exploration?

The purpose of the Religious Exploration program is to provide Children and Youth with knowledge and experiences that will help them make informed choices about their religious lives, values, and purposes as they approach adulthood. Our teachers and guides come alongside children to support them in the formation and continual development of their own spiritual journeys.


Major goals include teaching respect for oneself and for all others, appreciation of the teachings of world religious traditions, concern for social justice that demonstrates itself in action, and respect and care for our planet Earth.


Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive curriculum of sexuality education, is taught on a rotation basis to particular age groups. For the 2016 - 2017 program year, a ten week OWL program will be offered for those in grades 4-6 beginning in January 2017.


What time are children's classes?

Children, grades K-6, begin with their families in the sanctuary at 10:30am. There, they participate in the beginning of the service which includes announcements, singing, and the lighting of the Chalice. A Time for All Ages occurs early in the service, after which the children go upstairs to their classrooms for Religious Exploration classes. See Religious Exploration for more information.

Is there a nursery? 

Yes. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers (3 months to age 4) are attended to by JW Wenzel, our paid nursery coordinator. The nursery care is available from 10:20am through the end of the service. 


May I go to class with my children or keep them with me?

You are welcome to do whatever is most comfortable for you and your child. If you would like to have a sense of what happens in the classroom, or if your child feels more at ease with you present, you are welcome to attend their class. You may stay for an entire class session or return to the service when your child is comfortable. If you and your child(ren) would like to stay together for the service, you're welcome to do so; packets of coloring materials are available near the Greeters.


Will I be expected to introduce myself as a newcomer?

No, we do not request that you introduce yourself to the congregation. However, we appreciate if you stop at the Greeter Table for a nametag and Guest Card.

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